Auto gearbox – slow to engage, clutch slip

The car was manufactured with a Borg Warner 35 auto gearbox. I think the same unit is still in the car. With the car running, reverse selects OK, but drive (especially first) may not engage initially in D or 1. Applying some revs has either no effect or drive is suddenly acquired with a jolt that can spin the rear wheels – not pleasant.

After some superficial forum research it sounded like a simple lack of fluid. On checking the dip stick – nothing - not a trace on the stick. Off to the local motor factors, but no one locally stocks ATF without Dexron. So back to the interweb and wait for delivery.

There seems to be two ways of checking the fluid level before topping up:
a) Start the engine and run the selector through all drive settings, then quickly dip and fill to the lower/cold mark
b) Start the engine and drive the vehicle until warm making sure that all drive settings have been used. Park up on a level surface and quickly dip and fill.

As mine was being a little temperamental I went with (a) to start with. It drank about 300ml before it was seen on the  bottom of the dip stick. I will do (b) the next time I go for a run.


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