Major Service - Part 1

As I really have no clue as to when this car was last treated to a service, then I thought that I should do it now. At least I will have a baseline to work with.
I'll start with the basics:
  • Air filter
  • Oil Filter
  • Oil
  • Plugs
  • Coil
  • Leads
  • Distributor cap
  • Distributor arm
  • Fuel Filter
Had to remove the rubber strip from around the outside of the air filter before it would fit in the air box. Also the air box needed a good rub-down to remove surface rust. I need some aluminium colour paint to finish it off now. The temp compensation value also seemed defunct.

The coil and plugs were both OK. Although the plugs looked like they had been in there for some time, when removed they were fine. A little blackened from runing on choke recently but no signs of wear and tear. Good for spares.
The distributor cap looked fine, although like all of these parts it looked like it had been in-situ for 10 years plus. I replaced it anyway and likewise the rotor arm. The fuel filter in the front was also replaced. The one in the boot will be done when I get that far. Finally a new set of leads and lead guides ti neaten the engine bay a little.


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